
Shaw's cove report and photos

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Posted by scottfiji on June 17, 2007 at 21:27:48:

Had a nice dive at Shaw's cove today. Surf was picking up, surge was long and strong, and vis was down (10ft), but we still saw a lot. A few cabezons, a moray, and a large midshipman made for a nice dive. Also saw 3 blennies (got to get back for better shots!). Dove with Penny, Mike, and Gina, although we lost Mike and Gina after a while due to the murky vis. temp was 61-64.

Enjoy the photos!



Porter's chromodorid

Moray eel

Urchin spines, close up

Plainfin midshipman

Hedgehog hydroid

Juvenile garibaldi

Rose anemone

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