
Paul Humann Photo needs for 2nd ed of Coastal Fish Identification

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Posted by Roger on January 14, 2007 at 10:05:19:

Got this from Paul Humann via LAUPS. I took out his phone number and mailing address and de-spammed his email address.

From: Paul Humann

Subject: Photo needs

Dear Photographer,

We are starting to work on a 2nd edition of our Coastal Fish Identification -- California to Alaska book. We want to make this the most comprehensive book possible not only in the number of species included, but showing a variety of color and marking variations/phases as well. Consequently we are looking for a large number of additional pictures. The list is attached. For those interested in fish identification and especially those working as volunteers with the Reef Environmental Education Foundation, REEF, this new edition will be a significant and beneficial improvement. We are working closely with Christy Simmons at REEF to be sure it includes all the information and pictures they would like to have in the book.

Because the large number of images REEF is requesting we include, coupled with the very low sales volume of the 1st edition (it took us over 10 years to sell out a small press run), we regrettably are unable to pay a license fee for use of pictures. You will receive photo credit for any of your pictures we use, a complimentary copy of the book, and as an additional token of appreciation for the use of pictures we are going to have a special section called "CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS". In this section we will not only name you and give your photo credits, but also give contact and web site information. For those contributing a significant number of images we will also include your picture.

Your name is on this photographers list because either you personally indicated to me that you would like to contribute pictures to this 2nd edition or your name was given to me by Christy Simmons at REEF. If you do not wish to contribute on the basis outlined, I can understand. Just let me know and I will take your name off the list.

If you have only a small number of pictures to contribute you may send them by e-mail paulhumann@nospam.mindspring.com. For larger numbers, please burn them to a CD or DVD and mail them. If you would rather put them up on the web we will be happy to review them in that manner.

Pictures should be 4” X 6” at 300 dpi or 3” X 4.5” at 300 dpi, if little or no cropping will be necessary. The “file name” should be the genus and species (not common name). In Photoshop under “File” go to “File Info…” and put your name in the “Copyright Notice” section and in “Description” please give location picture was taken. If you are still a slide person without the ability to scan your slides, we will be happy to do it for you. Please advise and I will give you our FedEx number to send the slides securely. I can receive pictures between now and January 22, 2007. If that time frame is too short, I can again receive pictures between February 15-26, 2007. Please do not send e-mails with pictures between those two time frames as I will be out of the country without e-mail contact and do not want my e-mail box to fill. Thanks. If you can not make either of the deadlines, but do wish to contribute please let me know and possibly we can be flexible.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Best “fishes,” Paul Humann

Note number and letter in ( ) refer to page & location in current book.
Additional Pictures; color and marking variations, nuptial phases, etc:
- Kelp Bass (25M) older/larger individual than the one shown
- Puget Sound Rockfish (35M) in a school
- Yelloweye Rockfish (31B) sub-adult showing white stripe below lateral line.
- Brown Rockfish (37T) light brown variation showing obvious gill cover spot
- Grass Rockfish (37M) additional color variations
- Kelp Rockfish (37B) with dark blotch on rear gill cover.
- Any juvenile rockfishes, but especially blue, black, copper, olive, yellowtail, bocaccio, canary, vermillion, china. (These will be shown similar to the way we show juvenile grunts in the Caribbean book)
- Pacific Staghorn Sculpin (57B) swimming with fins extended so markings can be seen.
- Padded Sculpin (61B) additional color variations and patterns
- Scaleyhead Sculpin (62-63T&M) additional color variations
- Coralline Sculpin (63B) additional color variations and a view of top from above
- Manacled Sculpin (73M) on kelp blade
- Silverspotted Sculpin (75M) swimming
- Grunt Sculpin (75B) taking shelter in barnacle shell
- Kelp Greenling (106 & 107) male brown color variation
- Rock Greenling (107T) additional color variations, female and juvenile and head shot showing large bushy cirri above eyes
- Blackeye Goby (117B) mating colors (blueblack ventral fins)
- Rock Sole (125M) color and marking variations
- Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker (139M) color variations
- Northern Clingfish (141M) color variations
- Tube-Snout (149M) in school
- Blacksmith (155T) in school
- Shiner Surfperch (177B) need both a new individual picture and in a school
- Black Perch (181M) with yellow fins
- Striped Seaperch (183T) color variation with yellow fins
- Black Croaker (187M) juvenile with stripes.
Images to replace in current book:
Gulf Grouper (25T) current picture is wrong it is a Blue Rockfish, need full fish if possible including straight vertical edge of anal and tail fins.
- Black Perch (181M), different angle showing distinctive patch of large scales between pectoral and ventral fins.
- Swell Shark (195B) showing shark overall
- Longnose skate (201M) better showing oscillated spots
- Big Skate (201B) with obvious oscillated spots

New Species to add:
- Sufperches:
- Dwarf Perch, Micrometrus minimus
Reef Perch, Micrometrus aurora
Sharpnose Seaperch, Phanerodon atripes
Silver Surfperch, Hyperprosopon ellipticum
Barred Surfperch, Amphistichus argenteus
Pink Seaperch, Zalembius rosaceus
Redtail Surfperch, Amphistichus rhodoterus
Calico Surfperch, Amphistichus koelzi
Spotfin Surfperch, Hyperprosopon anale
Zebraperch, Hermosilla azurea
Jacksmelt, Atherinops californiensis
- White Sea Bass, Atractoscion nobilis
- Poachers:
- Rockhead, Bothragonus swanii
- Southern Spearnose Poacher, Agonopsis sterletus
- Salema, Xenistius californiensis
- Stripefin Ronquil, Rathbunnella alleni -- from central Calif. Between San Francisco & Pt. Conception.
- California corbina, Menticirrhus undulatus
- Grey Smoothhound, Mustelus californicus
- Brown Smoothhound, Mustelus henlei
- Saddleback Sculpin, Oligocottus rimensis
- Smoothhead Sculpin, Artedius leteralis
- Spinynose Sculpin, Asemichthys taylori, ID key is the “5 o’clock shadow”, need several color variations.
- Rosylip Sculpin, Asemichthys rhodorus
- Striped Kelpfish, Gibbonsia metzi
- Pacific Tomcod, Microgadus proximus
- Pacafic Hake, Merluccius productus
- California Skate, Raja. inornata
- Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus
- Sablefish, Juvenile, Anoplopoma fimbria
- Chilipepper, Sebastes goodei) juvenile
- Croakers:
- Yellowfin Croaker, Umbrina roncador
- Spotfin Croaker, Roncador stearnsii
- White Croaker, Gewnyonemus lineatus
- Pacific Sand Lance, Ammodytes hexapterus) close up in sand, individual swimming and school
- Rock Prickleback, Xiphister mucosus
- Ribbon prickleback, Phytichthys chirus
- Masked Prickleback, Ernogrammus walkeri
- Smooth Lumpsucker, Aptocyclus ventricosus
- Thresher Shark, Alopias vulpinas
- Medusafish, Icichthys lockingtoni, also lives in jellyfish bells.
There are 3 Kelpfishes:
Crevice Kelpfish, Gibbonsia montereyensis (pg. 101)
Spotted Kelpfish, Gibbonsia elegans (pg. 105)
Striped Kelpfish, Gibbonsia metzi (no picture in current book)
Currently there is controversy if they can be distinguished from one another without a specimen. I think possibly they can be distinguished visually without a specimen, but would like to test my ideas. Consequently, I’d like to see any pictures you have of this genus, you do not need to attempt to make an identification to species. All I want is a fully body picture where you can clearly see all the markings on the side and rear dorsal fin.

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