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Posted by Anatoly on August 20, 2005 at 20:31:03:

In Reply to: Words of Wisdom posted by Mojostone on August 20, 2005 at 15:31:18:

"Respect of the gay community goes hand and hand in many dive locations. Just look at Key West Florida. Glad I am not a bigot. So I have no problem with people's sexual orientation. The girls at Que Sera Sera didn't care what I thought. They just wanted me gone. For some reason they saw me as a threat. I am about the nicest laid back guy there is ;-) "

Why would you respect someone based upon their sexual deviancy? Clearly, as you mentioned, the female homosexuals at the bar you mentioned didn't respect you on the basis of not only your gender, but your sexual orientation!

It never fails that those that bleat the loudset for "tolerance" and "open mindedness", all code words for acceptance of the homosexual agenda, are the last ones to practice what they screach.

As to 'bigotry" that is the epithet du jour homosexual political extremists use to hurl at their political opponants to silence opposition. People who use it are either homosexual extremist activists thesemvles or brainwashed heterosexuals. The tactic is called "jamming" and was created by two homosexuals Marshal Kirk, a research in neuropsychiatry and Madsen, a public relations consultant writing under the pseudonym Erastes Pill. They wrote the homosexual agenda playbook called "After The Ball". They used Chinese marxist brainwashing techniques written about by Robert Jay Lifton in his seminal work, "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China."

Since you're tolerant of sexual "orientation", how about pedophiles, zoophiles and necrophiles, also sexual "orientations"?

I wouldn't want my children on a dive boat with any of those people making their private bedroom, bathroom stall, morgue or kennel behaviors known to my kids.....after all, I am proudly discriminatory and intolerant.

When we go on dive trips we avoid any areas where my kids would be subject to that nonsense.

Your Long Beach bar story does remind me of the time I went to a bar with a buddy I had no idea was full of homosexual women. I think he did and he wanted to gross me out. Some self described bull diesel bouncer stops us at the door, and demands to know what we were doign therre.....My buddy says;, "Oh, we just wanted to grab ssome beers after work..... It looks at me, rubs my face checking for facial hair quantity and says; I guess you're old enough". I should have taken a page from the feminista playbook and filed sexual harassment and battery charges as well as hate crime charges based upon gender. lol.....

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