Log books

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Posted by jlyle on May 17, 2004 at 07:55:54:

In Reply to: Dive logs + or - posted by Jeff Shaw on May 17, 2004 at 00:34:17:

I've logged all of my dives since certification. I'll let you know when I get to 2000+ if I find I am no longer keeping a log. Making your own log book is a great idea. I've used Scubapro's DivePassports and record a full day's diving on one page unless I have a lot to write, other than "the usual suspects." You can get a lot of dives in one book that way.

I also log all the dives into an Excel spreadsheet with dates, locations, times, depths, etc. The nice thing about the spread sheet is that you can sort/search on the information.

Jim (jlyle)

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