Dive Report: Redondo Canyon at Night

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Posted by Chris on August 09, 2003 at 03:21:28:

I just returned from a solo night dive at Redondo Canyon. I got in the water at about 11:15 PM and exited around midnight.
The parking was crowded and I had to wait about 10 minutes to get a spot.
The surf was small, and the air was a very warm. 75 °F.
The visibility sucked shallow, but got a bit better below 30 feet where there was a thermocline.
Almost every few feet between 60 and my max depth of 95 feet there was an octopus. I have never seen so many at the same time before.
I also saw many small sand dabs, a large sheep crab, cusk eels, and many other fish. But I mostly took pictures of the octopus. I also got one nice Quice Time movie (10MB) which shows an octopus moving, spooking sand dabs, and changing color. It is quite large so I would not attempt to look at it without a very high speed connection.
I almost always enjoy night dives here becasue of the varied life that comes up from the canyon at night. Tonight was no exception.

red octopus (Octopus rubescens)

You can see all of the pictures from my dive at:
Underwater Photographs of Redondo Canyon at Night.

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