Re: Anyone been to Loreto, Baja Calif?, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by seahunt on August 04, 2003 at 22:41:05:

In Reply to: Anyone been to Loreto, Baja Calif? posted by slodivegirl on August 04, 2003 at 21:03:14:

I've never been there, but it's supposed to be great diving.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

Here is a report that was posted a while ago.
Loreto Mexico dive report - Long

Posted by Over/Under on December 14, 1999 at 15:28:50:

Loreto Mexico

My wife and I flew into Loreto Mexico from Denver, Colorado for a long
weekend of warmth and diving. Our flight via Allegro Airlines (an Apple
Vacations tour) left Friday morning at 9:00 am (after an hour delay due
to a snowstorm) and arrived in Loreto at 11:00 am. We had the option of
staying at either the Eden Resort, which is an all-inclusive, clothing
optional, golf/tennis resort and booking our dives ourselves (at $75.00
per 2-tank) or the Baja Outpost, which is a B&B with diving located on
the outskirts of town. Since neither one of us were there to play golf
or tennis we opted for the Baja Outpost. The Baja Outpost is a small
facility run by Leon Fishmain and Humphrey Bogart (a big yellow lab).
Check their web site at for more information about
the facility (which was pretty accurate by the way).

Leon was out with a group of divers when we arrived, so we dumped out
luggage in the kitchen and had a beer on the verandah, overlooking the
Sea of Cortez. When the group returned, we heard stories about diving
in the sea lion colony and a manta ray with a 3foot wing span that had
been spotted on previous days dives. That night, Leon cooked a fantastic
dinner of chocolate clams and shrimp linguini for the eight guests that
evening. This is not something he does on a regular basis, but he likes
to sharpen his cooking skills periodically.

Loreto Diving

Most diving in this area consists of diving the islands of Loreto National
Marine Park. Accessible from shore and/or boat, the rocky shorelines create
excellent wall dives and reefs of rock and coral. Leon talked of over 60
sites geared for both novices (us) and advanced divers.

Fish seen during our two days includes: large schools of jacks and sardines,
parrots, groupers, stone fish, puffers, needle fish, surgeons, sergeant/majors
and chromies. Lobsters and crabs, eels, segmented worms (like christmas tree
worms), urchins, sea slugs and an abundance of starfish were also found. Coral
included different sea fans, stoney corals, and other gorgonians.

Diving: Day One

The breakfast bell rang around 7:00 am and we were treated to strong mexican
coffee, scrambled eggs, cold cereal, fresh fruit, goat cheese, and juice. After
getting fitted for 7mm wet suits, we were ready to go about 8:30. All of the
sites are chosen based on the prevailing winds and currents. Since the wind was
kicking up pretty good (normal for December), it was decided that the sheltered
lagoon of Punta Coyote would be the dive site for today.
Punta Coyote is just outside Escondido Bay, about 25 km south of Loreto. Leon
put the five divers in a cab and towed the dive boat to the dock at Escondido.
After a 5-minute boat ride to Punta Coyote, we unloaded the coolers containing
lunch, geared up and were ready to go. Punta Coyote is a deepwater dropoff with
large boulders. The dive plans called for swimming out to the north point of the
lagoon at a depth of 55 feet and then return at along the same wall at 20 feet.
At one point during the return trip, a huge school of yellowtail snapper engulfed
us, swam around for a couple of minutes, and then was gone. Visibility was between
30 and 40 feet. Lunch consisted of turkey with cheese sandwiches, home made
tamales, tea and juice. The second dive called for the same plan, except this time
we were going around the south point of the lagoon. My wife found the worlds
smallest eel. Although he wasn’t longer than a pencil and half as wide, he ‘fought
off’ much larger fish and even ‘attacked’ her when she took a macro picture of it!
Visibility was between 25 and 40 feet. Water temperature
was 72F (22C).

Diving: Day Two

The plan was to again cab down to Escondido bay and then boat over to the Island of
Monserrate, but when we arrived in Escondido, the wind direction and chop told Leon
that the conditions around Monserrate would be too rough. Instead we boated over to
a small group of rocks called Frigate Bird Rock. Since the other couple on the boat
were of similar experience (newbies!), the dive plan was to descend along the anchor
line to 50 feet (past the current) and play follow the dive guide (Leon)

We encounter more large schools snapper and sergeant majors. Leon knew of a fairly
good sized lobster (I saw reflections of drawn butter in my wife’s mask) that had a
home near by. There was even a boulder ‘swim through’ …sort of. After having lunch
(similar menu as previous day) on a larger pile of rocks and discussing the pros and
cons of jacket verses back inflated BCs, we were off to our second dive site.
Submarine Rock was about 50’ long shaped like a (don’t guess) submarine. Complete
with a white conning tower, courtesy of the local bird population. The plan was for
two laps around rocks at around 45 feet. Saw more lobster and a very large eel.

On the return trip to the dock, Kiki spotted a school of porpoise (15 or 20..maybe?)
and pointed the boat towards them. As we came close to them, they would change
direction and play in the bow wash of the boat.

The Staff:

If your getting the impression that Leon does everything at Baja Outpost …your almost right. Mrs Romone takes
care of breakfast and house keeping. Kiki is the boat captain and the ‘muscle’ that loads/unloads…. assists you
in/out of the water…etc. Humphrey Bogart (the lab, remember)…first mate on the boat…official greeter when
returning from shore dives…welcome committee …public relations…and social director. Leon is the
proprietor…PADI Instructor…. answers emails…dive master...answers phone…collects the rent….etc.

The Facts:

Airfare Only (Denver/Loreto) $299 R/T ( )
Baja Outpost (3 nights/2 days diving) $245.00 (
Eden Resort (All inclusive and airfare (except diving @ $75/day) $499.00 ( )

Meals in town…Dinner: $14.00 for lobster to $6.50 mexican combo plate. Lunch $2.50 to $5.00
Places to eat: Lots of good places within 10 minute walking distance. Chillie Willie’s, Café Blanca, La Terrazzo
and Café Ole (for breakfast or lunch) were the places we ate.


Since we are newbie divers, anything/everything is a new experience. With this in
mind, we both had a really great time. Everybody at Baja Outpost was very helpful
and really worked at taking care of you. Because of the large number of sites
available, Leon can handle all skill levels and find challenges for anyone. The
only down point (and you may not consider it a down point) is the location of a
bar right next door. If you’re a sound sleeper, or you could possibly be in said
bar until closing, you won’t have any problems. If you’re a light sleeper…bring
earplugs. Beds are comfortable and rooms were clean and spacious. The fridge in
the kitchen is always stocked with cerveza, and you keep track of the number of
beers and pay up when you leave. There isn’t a dive shop, but Leon
has lots of equipment available to rent i



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