Iron Eagle Slam

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Posted by Dan Adler on July 30, 2002 at 13:18:02:

Thought I'd drop the board a line regarding the garbage that's been posted about my boat, Iron Eagle. First, some facts:

#1. Iron Eagle does not do single day charters.

#2. Iron Eagle does not solicit California Dive Stores or Divers interested in single day charters.

#3. Iron Eagle is currently the only boat applying for SOLAS (International Multi-day charters) certification in Southern California.Our Baja schedule begins in February and will run through July of 2003.
#4. Iron Eagle is undergoing extensive re-fits in three seperate stages. We are entering our "Phase III" (Sun-Deck & Main Engine replacement) re-fit in November, having just completed Phase II (Galley and ELectrical re-fit) in Late June. This process demands substantial Coast Guard inspection and interaction.

#5. Iron Eagle recently moved from Pierpoint to Newmarks Anchorage at the Port of L.A. after giving 60 days notice of its intentions to Don Ashley, the owner of Pierpoint landing. Pierpoint has no parking, no access for divers carrying gear, and Don's boats directly compete with Iron Eagle. It seemed absurd to continue paying commissions to a competitor. Despite what may have circulated, Iron Eagle was not "kicked out" of anywhere, and we are very happy with the facilities at our new location.

#6. Iron Eagle lost it's dinghy, with four complete customer's rigs aboard during a whale of a storm on December 9th, 2001. Dale Scheckler wrote a very good article about the incident, which is available on-line. Catalina Conservency divers recently returned to the boat and had a wonderful time, of course all lost equipment was replaced with new. Incidentally, 2 people lost their lives, and several dive boats were substantially damaged in this storm. Thankfully, other than the dinghy loss and some upset stomachs in this extroardinary storm, we got home with no problems.

These are the facts, they are accurate and un-distorted. Now let me get to the "juicy" stuff!

Over the past 8 months we have had 4 anonymous tips called into the Coast Guard, ranging from fictitious reports of groundings, to fuel pumping, to drug use aboard. All complaints were investigated and found warrantless by the Coast Guard. Additionally, this board and others has been hit at least 8 times by anonymous users posting trash about this boat. These threads have been traced to two Boat Operators in the area. Recently, Ken Curtis of Reef Seekers has put in his 2 cents worth, stating and then retracting his statements about my Boats "COI", a certificate issued by the Coast Guard. Frankly, I don't know why Ken has chosen to involve himself in my business, as I have no dealings with him or his store. Those of you who work with Reef Seekers know about his aversion to NITROX, and to Reef Seekers preponderance of OW1 single day charter schedules, both reasons for us NOT to do business together.

Iron Eagle has a full schedule of two-four day charters, and offers a satisfaction guarantee to first time guests as well. We welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and hope that those divers interested in diving the pristine waters of the outer islands will give us a try.

Thank you for your time,

Capt. Dan Adler,
Master, Iron Eagle

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