Re: OMS is fine

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Posted by tleemay on May 14, 2002 at 13:50:34:

In Reply to: OMS is fine posted by TDI_2 on May 14, 2002 at 10:54:08:

"That's what was used to set the worlds depth
record. He could have used anything he wanted. He
chose OMS."

Is this what you are referring to;

If so, the writings certainly sound like a pre-
planned product endorsement - Bennett probably
received what gear he wanted from OMS for cost
or perhaps even free. I could be wrong, but the writing certainly sounds otherwise, particularly
with this statement;

"Your equipment was superb, the light worked
great. We have the light on film at the bottom
depth. Tanks were great and were essential,
buoyancy characteristics are great. Wings worked
well as well. I hope you will be pleased with the

Sounds like he was trying to use whatever gear
would get him, and OMS, the most media coverage,
not that StarTV is a mainstream media outlet to
the domestic US viewing audience... Hong Kong DTH
yes, but not the US.

OMS debuted a Halcyon wing knock off at DEMA in 2000. It ended up not being the product they had
hoped for since it was not as well made as the Explorer series, and still cost $25 more at the
wholesale level to the retailer as I recall. It
was a nice marketing try on OMS's part, but it
couldn't compete with what other record setting
divers in the world were using and reporting
better and (dare I say) more robust performance
and service. OMS has some nice ideas, but that
are being outdone by other companies with more
current application and real world endorsement by
divers who have owned and used both lines
extensively (and Dive Rite too) but still prefer
to use Halcyon.

How can I come to this opinion? Because I too
used to use OMS and Dive Rite gear at my own full
off the street cost. Halcyon has their act
together better than the others.

On the streamlined effectiveness of bungied wings vs non-bungied... give me your bungied wing and
a nail, I will prove to you that inside a wreck,
bungied wings are bad voo-doo. I can also prove to
you that a smooth pleat of a non-bungied wing is
less drag than a wing the with bungied hills and
valleys of such configuration.

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