What the Reuters article said vs. the report in Science

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Posted by Franko on February 19, 2002 at 09:46:14:

In Reply to: "Liberal journalists have left wing agenda" - gee .... posted by Kevin on February 17, 2002 at 18:49:47:

Kevin, as you know the article that was posted (from the Reuters news service) was reporting on a research report that appeared in the journal Science this week. After I read your comments, I hunted down the Science piece, as I was interested to see what it had said exactly about sources of damage to reef systems.

Interestingly, the Science report lists reef damage from human activities such as terrestrial agriculture, deforestation and development, as well as overfishing and, in particular, fishing with dynamite and poisons. The report also mentions climate warming. However, after reading through the report I could find no reference whatever to scuba-related tourism.

The Reuters reporter apparently interviewed the author of the journal report (Callum Roberts of Harvard and the University of York), so my hunch was that the scuba thing may have come up in conversation between them. (Speaking as someone who formerly toiled in the news business.)

The Science report is an interesting read, incidentally. I wish I could post it, but I know that the Science folks are pretty serious on guarding their copyrighted material. If anyone is really motivated, I think articles can be downloaded on a pay-per-view basis on their web site.

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