Moody trip repor

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Robert on January 21, 2002 at 09:58:10:

9 of us dived the Moody Sunday. The Conditions were great both above an below. We had over 35 foot visibility on the wreck. The dive was on the bow section so the search and the search for the lost Posidon regulator was unsuccessful. The reward still stands for the lucky one who finds the regulator.

The Second dive was the Olympic Wreck. It too had very good conditions. Several of us spent the dive cutting up and removing gill nets and freeing fish caught in them. I was surprised to find the high spot on the wreck in 63 FSW. It made for a great starting and ending spot since out anchor was 15 feet away. All dives were without incident Deep air and Tri Mix included. Another successful day of great diving. Thanks to the crew of the Sea Bass for the outstanding day.


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