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Posted by Bill Johnson on October 08, 2001 at 21:03:28:

In Reply to: Re: What? posted by maddiver on October 08, 2001 at 10:32:44:


I was quoting your assertion about me when I wrote about knowledge. I am certain you have diving knowledge. I was batting your statement back at you when I did know what I was writing about with regard to Frank's original post.

For what it is worth, I too cave dive...

I misunderstood your original point about gear. I agree with dir MINDSET and that DIR is more than just gear; this is a point that deserves much emphasis. There are divers that use non-dir gear that are 100% DIR in their mindset and vise versa. If given the choice between the two, I'll choose the dir-mindset diver over the idiot decked out in new halcyon duds for bragging rights!

There are purists in every philosophy that want either 100% adherence or don't bother. DIR is a philosophy that has such supporters. Frank posted he does not adhere to it 100%, but uses part of it. This begs the question: Is there a benefit to diving less than 100% DIR gear? Frank thinks there is, and so does G (by the example I provided).

The point of my post was to agree, at least to some degree, with Frank's post about choosing the right gear for the situation. I used G as an example, EVEN THOUGH the gear he sometimes uses is not DIR.



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