Re: Dive Computers-Really Long

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Posted by Jon D on September 25, 2001 at 11:21:41:

In Reply to: Re: Dive Computers-Really Long posted by Kendall Raine on September 25, 2001 at 10:17:05:


Thanks for the most lucid explanation of dive computers.

I must admit I'm one of those divers who has become intellectually lazy through the use of computers. When I started diving, I used tables exclusively but, after a couple of years, I was wooed by the lure of longer bottom times and less math in exchange for some cash.

Over the years, I attempted to reduce the risks of DCS in other ways. I've set my computer to the most conservative level and even then I stay away from the NDLs (gas is always my limiting factor); I rarely go to 100 feet or beyond; I dive nitrox on at least the first dive during multi-dive trips whenever possible; I incorporate appropriate safety stops; I've taken up mountain biking to get into better shape (okay I'm still working on that last one).

I realize that none of these measures is a guarantee against DCS but I'm wondering if these are effective measures in reducing risk.

Also what is the best way to become more proactive in monitoring my deco status? I could buy a RGBM computer, but as you point out the jury is not in on those yet (plus I don't think I'd be any more "aware.") I could go back to planning my dives with the tables (using depth averaging?) but that seems to be substituting one imperfect system for another. I could use PC-based software but that seems to be overkill for the relatively conservative diving that I do.

Thanks for shedding some light on the murky issue of computers without resorting to the usual rhetoric.


P.S. I currently use an AirX Nitrox with a Suunto Solution as a backup.

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