well Doug, it's JohnB. That aside Yes,yes, yes and sort of...

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by johnB on September 15, 2001 at 15:17:40:

In Reply to: Re: Just because YOU wish to pry.. posted by retrodiver on September 15, 2001 at 13:27:13:

there are MANY factors involved in the name thing and very few involve hiding.
If you have particular issue with an individual first try to have a meaningful exchange THEN resort to accusation, tactical nuclear weapons,etc. (since the FBI now reads internet info with impunity I must add that I have no access to any of the previous items and do NOT intend to affect any such response plus I am not even sure how to pronounce osama bin laden. That should get me a door knock!)
Many just want to get off a quik response while the thought is fresh and the extra typing IS distracting so we just "tab" past it.
Some dislike being put on "lists"
Some dislike spam.
Some dislike hack attacks.
Some are just private people and there is no reason to deny them that.
Some can easily recognize the writing of others and there seems to be no need to show ID when you are recognized.
Just because you are not given ALL their personal info does not indicate evil or devious behavior.
Still your best weapon against some derilect or abusive poster (not like in real life*) is to ignore and not even let your curiosity drive you to opening their posts.
I should listen to myself here! I am NOT an angel nor am I in any way righteous so get that out of the way. Like anyone I have my regretful moments.
*In real life if someone was to behave like this they are to be "spanked" in a particularily violent manner so the lesson is learned but here.... no actual damage is done.

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