Man in a car is attacked by shark !, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by dawhale on September 08, 2001 at 05:22:00:

I found this on the Google forum and thought you all might get a kick out of it . dawhale

LAND SHARKS, They are real. LOL
Seeker wrote in message
> Now the da*n sharks are attacking people on land, where will it all end.
> Keith
> >>>A chef at a restaurant in Cornwall says his thumb was nearly ripped off
> by a dead shark.
> Darren Smith was driving the porbeagle shark to the Dolphin restaurant in
> Newquay when the accident happened.
> He braked sharply and his hand got caught in the shark's mouth, severing an
> artery and almost slicing his thumb off.
> The 24-year-old told The Sun: "I felt a right idiot. I must be the first
> person in history to be attacked by a shark on dry land - and a dead one at
> that.
> "The nurses at the hospital couldn't stop laughing when I said how it
> happened."
> Mr. Smith needed 17 stitches after the accident involving the seven
> feet-long shark.<<<

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