Who The HELL Are These People?

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Posted by IM Pissedoff!!! on August 24, 2001 at 22:42:42:

Warren Chabot
Richard Charter
Joel Greenberg

Who are they to represent the voice of the Los Angeles area sport divers, dive charter operators, and sport fishermen on the proposed restrictions on fishing/diving the channel islands? The call for the banning of all diving and sport fishing activities in the proposed California Department of Fish and Game ban areas are OK to US?

Fox11 in Los Angeles just aired a newstory reflecting the desire of all sporting divers and fishermen to support the propsed California Department of Fish and Game ban on all fishing and diviing activities within the previously planned areas.

This is TOTAL BS. I don't know about you, but I didn't elect ANY of these obvious non-divers to promote my REAL diver's position on the issue. So much for Fox News self promotion of being fair and un-biased. They suck gowdamnit! Time for a revolution I say! Who are the real spokesman for the typical sport diver? Chris? Karl? Jason? Kelphead? Mike seaHunt, The Bluw Cow, tleemay, Steve, Walker, JRM, Kevin, and mike the sea bass and lobster killer? I know better than to ask AAdiver and a couple others.

Don't let these Sacramento and Santa Barbara "divers" and "sport fishermen" promote their agendas that does not incorporporate US, the real sporting divers and fishermen of California!

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