Re: Shark Bit Victim's Father Not Shark Fishing

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Posted by . on July 26, 2001 at 16:52:35:

In Reply to: Shark Bit Victim's Father Not Shark Fishing posted by tleemay on July 26, 2001 at 16:11:09:


Shark-fishing rumor reopens accident probePark rangers say boy's uncle not to blame in attack at beach

To read past articles about the shark attack click
National Park Service rangers are working to squelch a rumor that Vance Flosenzier was reeling in a 7-foot bull shark that nearly killed his nephew. Gulf Islands National Seashore ranger Jared Klein is re-interviewing all witnesses to the July 6 attack on Jessie Arbogast to reconfirm what all initial accounts stated: No one was shark fishing at Langdon Beach near Fort Pickens at the time of the attack. An unsigned e-mail, sent to media outlets, posted in chat rooms and distributed through mailing lists, accuses Flosenzier of doing just that. The note further claims he was spreading bloody chum in the water and allowed the children to run into the shallows to help beach the thrashing predator. It contains no names of witnesses, no documentation or evidence of any kind. "This is getting absolutely ridiculous," said Klein, who's been asked by everyone from lifeguards to major network reporters whether there's anything to support the rumor. So far, the witnesses Klein has re-intervewed have repeated the story first told: One man was fishing with light tackle about 100 yards east of where Jessie, 8, his brothers and his cousins were splashing in the water. Klein's supplemental report will be available once the new interviews are finished. Time-stamped photos taken by a Colorado tourist document the Flosenziers' activities immediately preceding the attack. Diana Flosenzier, Jessie's aunt, is shown relaxing on a beach blanket. The uncle is standing a couple of feet from the water's edge. No fishing tackle is pictured in the wide-angle photo, shot about 5 minutes before the attack. Ellis Bullock, owner of E.W. Bullock Associates, the Pensacola advertising and public relations firm serving as press liaison for the uncle, said he spoke with Flosenzier after he first heard the rumors a week ago. Flosenzier told Bullock he doesn't even fish. The night of July 6, he noticed one man fishing, Bullock said. According to Bullock, Flosenzier said that he walked "a good 100 to 150 yards beyond him (the man fishing) because I was concerned about the kids being around his line."

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