Andy, explain yourself

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Posted by Dave on June 25, 2005 at 12:43:35:

In Reply to: Explain yourself posted by Andy on June 25, 2005 at 10:39:31:

I don't eat abalone, and I do care about species that are being depleted faster then they can recover, but preventing their taking at the expense of my Constitutional rights is not a choice law enforcement is entitled to make, and I refuse to waive my liberties and rights to be free from unreasonable searches and to be secure in my person and effects..

When anyone with so called police powers takes an oath of employment, that oath includes upholding the Constitution of the United States. Well, that didn't last very long, now did it? And yes, I DO blame the department for engaging in crimes. They need to be held to answer just like those who would take abalone.

As far as claiming I have nothing to sweat for having my rights taken away, I will decide that, and nobody else. I DO sweat this stuff. Rights are never taken away all at once, they are gradually eroded to lull you into a sense of complacency. You sound complacent to me rather than vigilant. But it is your right to choose for you, just not for others.

In the past I have been detained for a traffic infraction allegations, sometimes they have asked me to give up my rights and consent to a search. As a matter of policy, I NEVER give consent, not because I have something to hide, but because I have a right to exercise and I do so to ensure it isn't taken away from me. It is no different from a negro person refusing to sit in the back of the bus or the "coloreds only" section of the restaurant.

Ås to suggestions, LE is not originally trained to violate peoples civil rights as a tool of enforcement. They do it because lemmings and spineless people will tolerate it and it is easier than good law enforcement techniques. I am not paid to enforce DF&G laws, they are, it is their job, not mine. But, since our goals regarding abalone at least are the same, like any good law enforcement type they ought to start profiling people and target the primary groups who take these. I like the Cal-Tip thing. They can also triple the fines, and upon receipt of fine payments, 1/3 could go towards the tipster, 1/3rd towards DFG and the remaining 1/3rd towards agua-culturing at risk species. Makes for a great incentive to rat out deliberate, flagrant violators rather than inadvertant technical violators.

Now Andy, let's hear from you how you are willing to have your car, your home and you and your woman's body searched in exchange to protect snails, to fight terrorists and drugs, to fight prostitution, to fight grafitti, to fight littering, to fight scofflaws who would park their cars in their driveways overnight or allow your hedges to grow over 42" high- criminal violations of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.

Seahunt, you bring up an excellent point about the further erosion of property owners rights at the hands of the Supremes...I would comment on that, but Elaine is ready to pounce on me for political discussions like a rabid starving tiger on methamphetamines watching a fat injured gazelle.


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