Dive report: Deer Creek, 3Rs

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Posted by Dick Analog on June 11, 2005 at 19:41:16:

Walt and I were apparently the only ones enthusiastic/crazy enough to strap on tanks and explore the kelp beds near Deer Creek Rd off PCH following the 3Rs course. There was a fairly presistent swell at 8sec period, with surf averaging 2.5ft to 3.5ft and a few 5-footers thrown in to keep things exciting. The associated surge kept everything within 300yds of shore pretty stirred up. Visibility ranged from 1/2-diver leg (as in knee to tip of fins) to 1-diver length and we saw very little in the way of moving critters. The coolest thing was a huge sheep crab claw that Walt picked up. Walt was also game enough to test out his new backpack rig on the dive; this rig is the essence of simplicity. He had a tiny backpack, steel tank, reg set, and two 4-lb weights on his belt and that was it. He did quite well and seemed to be about as close to neutral buoyancy as I was with my full BC-based rig and its associated clutter.

The 3Rs class was very well done, albeit shortened a bit due to the rough conditions. Many participants got a good thrashing on the first entry/exit exercise and the instructors wisely decided to call it a day. The dedication of the all-volunteer staff who put on this class was impressive, and very much appreciated. And after working their tails off in the boiling surf, they still had enough energy to put on a nice BBQ lunch for their students - very impressive indeed.

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