It is not always euphoric for me!

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Posted by Wayne on October 27, 2002 at 22:43:20:

In Reply to: Re: Panic Attack? Narcosis?? posted by tecdiver on October 27, 2002 at 17:10:55:

In fact when I have felt narced, I have nearly always had the feeling that something was wrong and I was missing something. I get really anal about my guages, I get worried about needing to get to the surface from some yet unknown catastrophy that is about to hit. For me, it ruins a dive becuase I can't enjoy it. As soon as I ascend, it goes away. I can probably go back down, but it screws up the profile and I never do. Knowing what it is allows me to deal with it on the rare ocfasion when it hits.

I tend to start to get it at about 90 feet, but only on rare occasions. I have not seen it often enough to say what other factors have been common for me. But I have never felt it in warm clear waters.

Annecdotal and unscientific, but its my experience none the less.

I have a friend who got severely narced at 75 fsw once. But is was attributable to OTC medications, being severely cold, and a bunch other items. Shook him up pretty bad and he nearly quit diving over it.


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