Plant? Animal? Alien? or ??? - Need ID help.

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Posted by Ed on August 05, 2002 at 10:19:22:

Last Saturday, a friend and I took my boat to Anacapa / S. Cruz for some diving / fishing.
My friend snagged something, that at first, look like a 15 - 20 foot long plastic bubble wrap (but real heavy).
Upon pulling it in close, we realized that it is not man-made.
Further inspection showed that it was a clear stiff-gelatenous (pretty tough, and heavy) outer membrane with about 80 or 100 round chambers (in pairs), each containing what appeared to be a 'fetus' of some kind in them.
Not knowing what it was (never seen them before), we freed it, and let it sink....

What is it?? (see photo). The overall length was 15 or 20 feet, with each fetus'sack' being approx. 2.5 inches in diameter. If it is fish/animal produced indeed, I would like to see the HUGE MONSTER that it came out of!

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