Need Host Family for an exchange student from Germany who likes to dive

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Nancy R on June 13, 2002 at 14:25:22:

Hello, My name is Nancy and I'm the area representative for AYUSA International, a non-profit High School exchange student organization. I am looking for a Host Family for a 16 year old boy from Hamburg Germany who likes to Scuba Dive. He has several diving certificates and traines once a week in Germany. Additionally, he enjoys soccer,tennis,cross country,biking,roller blading and sailing. He is an "A" student with interests in Politics and Music. He hopes to become a Lawyer when he grows up. He will arrive at the end of August, attend the local high school of the host family and then return back to Germany in June 03. If anyone is interested in opening up their home to a really great student or would like more information about him or other students who are available, PLEASE contact me at or call at (661)940-8739. You can also get more info at the AYUSA web site at Thanks Nancy

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