Re: reply's

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Posted by Andrew Georgitsis on July 24, 2001 at 18:06:38:

In Reply to: Re: reply's posted by Tim Baskin on July 24, 2001 at 14:58:48:

Then walking and chewing bubble gum is definitely out of the picture for you. (Too much task loading)

You probably shouldn't drive either because steering and applying the gas is to much task loading for you or new drivers.

Learning to manage your BCD and drysuit while diving is a fundemental skill that every diver should learn and master. If you didn't learn that in your basic OW class or your Drysuit class then you were short changed and I am truely sorry. Saying "that it is to complicated for a new student to learn" is shear stupidity.

Live by this rule:

If it can happen underwater - it will - so prepare for it.

The industry needs to STOP ingoring the true skills, tasks and dangers of diving and stop sweeping valueble skills like using BCD and drysuit under the rug. Proper training and skills should prepare students for that eventuallity that they might acciedent (in your eyes) add air to the BCD and therefore need to know how to manage both BCD and drysuit.

What you have stated in your post is a classic example of the problem with this industries mentality. If it is to confusing for the student to learn then just ignore it and hopefully they won't have to deal with it soon after the class and pray nothing happens. That there is truely a typical industry bullshit. You need to dive and prepare yourself for reality.

Managing your BCD and Drysuit at the same time is a real suituation and you should be taught to deal with it during a proper class. Imagine next time you get on a plane that the pilot has never dealt with landing a plane in bad weather (to much task loading as you see it) Then would you feel safe getting on that plane knowing that some day he will have to land it in bad weather.Would that give you confidence in his/her ability. I think not.

Prepare yourself for all possible situations underwater. (Even if they task load you. Even better. This will make you a better diver. Ask the flying industry.)


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